IJBIME journal

About the Journal

The International Journal of Business Intelligence, Management, and Economics (IJBIME) - ISSN: 3006-0206 is a peer-reviewed international journal that presents the outcomes of theoretical and applied research in the domains of Business Intelligence, Management, and Economics. IJBIME showcases high-quality research papers spanning Business Intelligence, Management, Economics, Supply Chain Management, Finance, and closely related economic fields. Submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to IJBIME.

IJBIME is an Open Access Journal. Online readers don't have to pay any fee.

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Issue 02 (2024)
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Fields of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Business Intelligence,
  • Management,
  • Economics,
  • Supply chain management
  • Finance
  • audit and management control
  • Economics Intelligence
  • Data science for Economics
  • Big Data for Economics
  • Etc.

Plagiarism Policy

The IJBIME Journal is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. All submissions are checked for plagiarism using a Similarity Check System before they undergo the peer-review process. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.

Indexed in

Article published in the IJBIME journal will be indexed in: Google Scholar, ICI World Copernicus, ResearchBib Academic Resource Index, DRJI, Zenodo, OpenAire, etc.

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts will be refereed in a double-blind review process by at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area like Business Intelligence, Management, Economics, Supply chain management, and Finance.